Free admission

Free admission to the permanent exhibition and to exhibitions curated by the museum staff is available to:

  • all visitors 
    Wednesdays 16.30–17.00
    Thursdays 16.00–17.00
    Fridays 16.30–17.00
    Saturdays 16.30–17.00
    Sundays 16.30–17.00
  • large families (upon presenting the Latvijas Goda ģimenes apliecība, “3+ Ģimenes karte”, the European Large Family Card, or other status documentation)
  • preschool-age children
  • the group leader for groups having 10 people or more
  • students attending various kinds of special education classes, crisis centres, boarding schools, care centres, orphanages, psycho-social rehabilitation centres, and children’s care centres; residents of shelters and care homes; orphans; children without parents (upon presentation of status documents)
  • mass media representatives who are reporting on museum activities (upon presentation of a press pass)
  • holders of a museum entrance pass
  • staff of other museums (upon presentation of an institutional ID card or an International Council of Museums (ICOM) membership card)
  • politically repressed individuals (upon presentation of status documents)
  • children under age 18 with any disability (upon presentation of documents) and assistant; adults with Disabled Group I status (upon presentation of documents) and assistant or adults with Disabled Group II status (upon presentation of documents)

Ukranian civilians can visit the permanent exhibitions of the Latvian National Museum of Natural History free of charge by presenting a personal identification document or another document certifying that the person is a Ukrainian civilian.

Відвідування основних експозицій Латвійського Національного музею природи для громадян України безкоштовно, за пред’явленням на касі документу, що засвідчує цивільне громадянство України.